Monday, September 12, 2011

motherhood :)

last week something happened...Carolina peed on me a bit and i didnt immediately change my clothes... in fact i didnt change at all.  ha. (Please note it was just a little bit of pee..not like a sopping mess) anyways...i laughed to myself as i thought, "i am offically a parent.  and not just any kind of parent...i am a MOMMY!" 

Carolina is doing fabulous!  she amazes me everyday with the little bit shes grown overnight!  she is starting to stay awake a bit more during the day and is more alert and those eyes are open real big now!  she has got the cutest little faces!  she makes this one where she makes a little 'O' with her mouth...whenever she does that i HOOT like an owl...its fun to play with her like that!  she also has the sweetest smile; it comes out more during sleep than it does during wake time but it just melts my heart to see it. and it absolutely breaks my heart when she cries. :( 

we have had to stop breast feeding; i didnt take it well but she just isnt latching and sucking.  shes a little snacker and will take only enough milk to ease her current hunger pain.  when that hunger pain comes back an hour later she is ready to snack again.  so...i am now puming every 2-3 hours.  i am hoping within the next few days i will be ahead of the game and making enough that i can start freezing again. it is a tough job, breastfeeding.  even the pumping.  but i am just remembering that this is what is best for her and that it will get easier.

other than that theres not much else going on...

we've discovered that the 'swaddle me' is our best friend when it comes to sleeping. :)  she resists a bit when i first put it on but she seems to like it and is sleeping much better the last 24 hours....just gotta get her to realize the difference in day and night :) ...oh the adventures of being a mommy!  I am LOVING it!

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